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Anonymous (reply to Bonnie Diraimondo RN)

Hello, I am 28 years, las May 10th, I was diagnosed with HPV 16 and 66, I became sexually active in September 2009, before doing so went to the gynecologist and asked for the vaccine, and she said she needed to know if i was eligible... never had her encouragement to get it... I was so in love I had forgotten hpv was my worse fear ever... anyways, I went to the gynecologist every month because had recurrent urinary tract infections, and she would perform colposcopies in every visit and everything was fine, but I felt something was wrong... It's just one of those feelings... In April 2010 I finally got the vaccine (cervarix) but I had this weird feeling because my sexual relations were painful (only during penetration) along with the constant urinary tract infections, so I asked my doctor for a HPV test and he suggested a PCR, and so I had it done, and it came out positive for double infection the results said: 16 and 66, both high risk types, my world colapsed. I scheduled an appointment with another gynecologist (was angry and did not trust the first one anymore), he performed a colposcopy and it came out negative (meaning there were no lesions), he said the PCR could have came out positive because of the vaccine (first shot in April 2010, the HPV positive PCR in May 2010), and that I should have a pap smear (my first ever) in three months, and so I did (last month) and the results were: "cytoplastic changes compatible with HPV", It killed me... I had thought it was the vaccine showing on my PCR and then this... I still have issues coping with this... gynecologist take this so lightly... my bf went to an urologist and had a cytology done before we began having sex... I mean we were two adults, trying to do things right!! I only had sex without condom once.
Anyways, I did not feel reasured by this doctor either, the vaccine explanations did not make sense to me (and I am not a doctor), so two weeks ago I went to a third doctor who explained the PCR results were right from the start, but the colposcopy came out normal because the virus was still (with the cell stage, not visible), she made another colposcopy and showed us the lesion on screen... I could not stop crying... I never thought this would happen to me, and on top of things having not one but 2 of the worse, specially type 16 which has been found in lung, head/neck, and some breast tumors, despite of course the risk of vulva, vagina and so on...
Dr 3 said my body would get rid of it, because I do not have the so called pre requirements for it to become cancer... I can't help to wonder... this virus can pop out anywhere I mean it is already in my bloodstream... gosh!!

By reading your post I realize the "clearing up" is not true at all... and now I am concerned about the treatment she suggested to my results (pap, colpo and PCR), she suggested we waited and come back for another pap smear in 6 months but I am afraid... I mean I saw the lesion clearly and it only took three months for them to develop in my cervix (considering I had a colposcopy done in May when I got the PCR results), I wonder if her approach is maybe "too" conservative (as opposed to have criotherapy or leep..), in your experience, is that the usual safest treatment taking into account my cincumstances?

Enough of the medical, the worst part is my emotional hell, really I can't help but regret getting involved with this person, wanting to turn time back just a year and getting vaccinated, I mean a vaccine was out there and I knew about it... I just feel as if my life was over, I have no dreams anymore, and I feel as if it would be just a matter of time before the virus can induce me into cancer any where I mean we too had oral sex, for what I know I could have it in my throat... I just wish I had kept my promise of saving myself until marriage.
On top of things my mother is EXTREMELY conservative and I can not tell her about it, she hates my bf and we are in non speaking terms, I am an only child currently residing away from my hometown and I have kept all this inside.. because my bf keeps minimizing things (because the dr said my body would get rid of it), and to be honest I do not love him anymore, but believe I should stay with him so he will take care of me wheneven I do get cancer, because after all, he did this to me!!
To all women I have read about here, trust me it is better not knowing who infected you, beacuse to me it's just a living hell knowing when and who indeed infected me.
It would really help to know about women, who have had this virus and never had developed cancer.
Thanks in advance.

September 19, 2010 - 7:04pm


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