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After driving the car for 30 mins to an hour, I get out and sometimes my head and back and sides of my neck throbs really hard and sometimes it affects my eyes in some way. like a sensation
similar to flashing. It is painful and I can feel my pulse going through to my head and
hear it in my left ear.This is distracting enough to where I have to stop what I am doing until it passes which is about 2-3 mins. I was in a car accident and I know it did something to my neck but this is 2 years
later, my chiropractor has put my spine in the right position and this has happed after I get an adjustment and sometimes whenever. I had temporarily high blood pressure which amounted to the beginning of hypertension but usually I have good BP and lately I have been exercising a lot and so I thing It may have improved but this scares me, I do have somekind of tendon or scar tissue in my neck, I can feel it pop when I move my head a certain way. I don't take meds because I am afraid of side-effects but
I drink tons of water and eat good and exercise but this still happens. My eyes have clear floaters that I see, kinda like a worm, It was difficult to read my eyes were jumpy and I couldn't think clearly, I was forgetting common things while talking to a friend, I am a 46 yr old male and have had TMJ, cranial adjustments, right now the top of my head hurts, it scares me because my father had a very
bad stroke, he took BP medicine for 30 years and still does, but doesn't do vigorus exercise like I do. Any ideas??? Wade

August 17, 2009 - 10:48pm


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