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EmpowHER Guest

There are a lot of good posts. I agree about oatmeal keeping you full. I used to snack on raw carrots throughout the day also. I recently began a special diet for figure competing. So, now my diet is very strict. So some things that I do to keep me from eating is by drinking all different flavors of tea. (hot or cold) I sweeten with Splenda or Equal. I get full because of the water. I also chew lots of different flavors of sugar free gum. This too keeps my mind off of food. I also use the gummy vitamins daily. This makes me feel like I get to have something sweet. I use protein powder. I like the choc./and choc. fudge flavors. I put a tad bit of splenda with the powder and very little water. I mix it to the consistency of icing. Its like a piece of fudge. Sometimes I will put 1/2 tea. of fat free cool whip on it. Its heaven. When you diet like me,,,you really enjoy these little bitty things.

July 21, 2010 - 10:02am


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