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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

You have my sympathy for living with CFS for such a long time.

I have an article in the works about the weight thing.

When I went low-carb, the weight began to come off. It first started disappearing from my abdomen which had become quite prodigious. In a matter of months, I'd lost a few inches from around my mid-section, at the same time as I ate as much protein and some vegetables and healthy fats as I wanted. I was never hungry but the pounds and the inches steadily disappeared. Eventually I lost 8 inches from my middle, just from the diet change.

I think I had food sensitivities that were at least partial causes for the GI problems and the weight gain.

It can be a tough diet I guess, but it makes such a difference in how I feel, and look, that I don't mind. I've stayed on it for the past 7 years (with cheat days from time to time). :-)


April 22, 2009 - 6:52pm


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