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EmpowHER Guest

HI everyone i could really use some advice.. i have been drivng myself crazy for the past 2 an a half weeks.....
SO heres my problem. ive been on orthotri cyclen lo for a lil over a yr. I myself have never been very good at taking them on time. I usually end up missing a pill every month , but take it when i realize it.. but have never had this effect my period. I also had to go off it for a month. and my periood stayed right on track. Anyways my last period was july 9th lil over a month. 2 weeks after that on the 23 i misplaced my pack an missed 3 pills. then the 26 i took 2.. then forgot again monday then took 2 again tuesday. But tuesday morning i woke up an began a week of spotting. never enough for a tampon, or a pad. It went from brown to dark reddish brown to like an hour of red then back to brown then stopped. i had no cramps at all during any of this which was weird. it has now been a week since i stopped. But the past couple days been getting weird feeling little pains. idk whats up still no normal period. could i be pregnant?? already took some test all came out negative. im affraid to resume my pills in the case i may be pregnant.. PLEASE any advice would be great or if youve experienced this.. i had myself pretty convinced i was preggo. i have had unexplained headaches the past like 5 days. exhaustion hit a week an a half ago.. im affraid it could be somethng worse. i dont have insurance.. so its hard to go to the doctor.

August 11, 2009 - 9:12am


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