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(reply to Anonymous)

Next time what you can do: "double-up" on your pills, but don't take them at the same time. For example: Monday you could have taken Sunday's missed pill in the afternoon with lunch, then taken Monday's pill in the evening.

Since you took your first pill within 24 hours of when you were supposed to start (I'm assuming this is during your period?), then you may have just changed your start date to a Monday starter instead of Sunday.

Do the instructions in your packet tell you how to change the start date, as this may be the appropriate section that provides the right information. Some women purposefully want to change to a different day to start, and as long as it is still the Monday after your period began (even if you are still bleeding), then you should be protected; using a condom as backup would be a good idea for the first 7 days.

August 20, 2009 - 12:46pm


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