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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

From my experiences 2& a half years w/Mirena I can only recommend to anyone, friend or stranger, to have it removed! The adverse side effects hit me gradually over time so it was hard to pinpoint that it was mirena. But like you I couldn't reach orgasm when I had Mirena and never had a prob in that area before. Now it's been out a month or so and I feel flirty again & interested in sex again. That thing did something bad to me, Idk. I also have a recurring infection that I cannot get rid of, no matter what pills they give me it keeps coming back. It started shortly after Mirena was put in. I've read having this infection for long periods of time can damage the cervix and/or uterus. I'm very scared. Mirena has caused some bad problems for me--if I were you I'd RUN to your obgyn &have it removed &consider the Paragard IUD. It doesn't secrete hormones. I had it 13 years & highly recommend it. I also read that many women after Mirena began menopause in their 20s and 30s!! My obgyn thought I was having menopause at first (I'm 35!) scared me to death, but after testing she confirmed I'm not. and HEY LADIES! We are SUPPOSED to be having periods! It's God's way or Mother Nature's way. I've learned my lesson about messing w/ Mother Nature! Idk why that thing is still on the market--but that's my experience.

March 19, 2012 - 9:07am


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