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A few weeks ago, my boyfriend found out about all the lawsuits against Mirena and told me. It wasn't until an hour before my appointment to take it out, that I found this page. I went to the clinic with puffy eyes and newfound hope.

I apologize if any of this is TMI, but I want to let people know who may be having the same problems.

Four years ago, my gyno recommended Mirena to help my endometriosis. Getting it put in was excruciating. I was 22 , with no kids. Shortly after that, I started to gain weight. Fast. Within 6 months I went from a size 2-5, to to a size 12. No amount of diet or exercise made any difference. My self esteem plummeted. Alarmed, I asked my gyno. She urged me to "give it more time", and so I did. After the first year, my weight regulated and things went back to normal... almost. I used to be a borderline sex addict. It was all I thought about. I assumed that I lost all interest in sex because of my self esteem during my "heavy stage". But my libido never returned. Sex became my least favorite chore.

Then the pain started. I began having horrible, debilitating cramps every day. The only thing that helped was high doses of caffeine. Then the heart palpitations and anxiety started (from the caffeine I'm sure), but without it I couldn't even work. After that, sex became increasingly painful. Every thrust felt like he was punching me in the uterus. Then it began to feel as though I was being penetrated by razor blades. It was a living nightmare. The only thing to lend any relief was numbing lubricant. Even then, I would often have to sit on an ice pack after and cry.

I thought it was just my endometriosis getting worse. I saw doctor after doctor. Pills, shots, creams, dilators... provided mild temporary relief at best. And then the final straw began. If I dared to try and orgasm, without fail, I would be writhing in pain for hours, overcome by the worst cramping I had ever felt.

And that's when I gave up. At 24 years old, I gave up. I resigned myself to never be able to enjoy sex again. I would do it for my boyfriend of 6 years, but it felt like rape. I began to urge him to find surrogate partners.

When I heard about all of the symptoms related to Mirena, I was shocked. Never have I felt so angry and so overjoyed at the same time. I made an appointment at once. Then I found these posts, and I cried for hours. Hell, I'm crying now. To hear of so many women (and men) who have been devastated by this... it was such a comfort to know that there was hope for me yet.

Fast forward. It's been three days since I've had that horrible thing removed, and already I feel different. Things I didn't even realize were wrong are changing. I want to be affectionate again. It doesn't hurt to cough. The thought of sex has already become enticing again! Just two days after, sex caused only mild pain. I had two (!) orgasms and had only the slightest cramping for a few minutes.

For the love of all things good, if any of this sounds at all familiar, GET YOUR MIRENA REMOVED!

December 3, 2012 - 11:11pm


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