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This is a followup of my post of 17 July 2014.
I had my second mirena removed just after my 1st post and honestly today I'm feeling so much better. I have my sex drive back, haven't had headaches for weeks now, I'm feeling much calmer and no more feeling depressed or anxious.
I've been following these posts for a while now and if you read through all of them you'll see most of the symptoms are similar. My husband went for a vasectomy and I'm not on anything at the moment and I'm not planning on going on anything either. My body needs a break and I'm feeling so much better. Do it if you can, wish I had done it long ago. My gynaecologist didn't agree with me but I've decided to follow my research and listen to my body. It was in anyways time for my second marina to be replaced but I am happy not to be on any hormones as the results are far better than what I've experienced the last 10 years.

August 31, 2014 - 11:09pm


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