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EmpowHER Guest

My wife had hers inserted about 6 months ago and let me tell you it has been hell ever since. I think one quote from a husband in my same situation summed it up perfectly, "asking a question of my wife is like playing emotional Russian roulette". No kidding. I wouldn't know what to expect sometimes...I would ask the most basic question and get such a rude response. There are so many occasions when she tells me how she enjoys being alone for a change when the opportunity presents itself. Her sex drive has completely disappeared and she even admitted to me yesterday that she has absolutely zero interest in sex and there have been numerous times when she was pissed at me for initiating it but didn't say anything. We used to have a great love life before the mirena and now it's practically non-existent.

So all of this came to a head last night after I did some research on the symptoms of mirena, told her how I felt, gave her evidence on how she was treating me and other people and let her see the responses online from other sufferers. She has many of the same symptoms; fatigue, irritability, anxiety over the smallest of things, loss of hair, bloating, weight gain, drastically reduced sex drive, etc. After talking about it she scheduled to have it removed next week. I'm hoping to get my wife back shortly after.

September 25, 2014 - 9:41am


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