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EmpowHER Guest

I got my Mirena out 2 days ago after having it for 1 year. I kept trying to give it another chance as I really wanted it to work. I have been unable to use most hormonal options because of bad side effects. I felt so much better the next day and even better today. It is amazing. I didn't even notice how bad it had gotten. I'm now going to stay off all hormonal birth control. I would seriously take the risk of condoms and ovulation tracking over ever having another hormonal iud. I would still have tried it, it works for so many women. Just not for me. The only real effects of getting it out are a mild headache for the last two days and bleeding, both which sound normal. I would suggest not waiting if you notice the bad mood swings. I wish I had gotten mine out 3 months ago. I damaged an important relationship and now need to figure out if I can fix it.

October 1, 2014 - 8:54am


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