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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

If your girlfriend truly loves you, she will listen to what you have to say and be open to suggestions regarding her IUD. The first thing you need to do is give examples on how her behavior has changed since getting the mirena. One example I gave my wife is her female boss gave her flowers one day and she jumped all over her saying she gave them to her for the wrong reason (a leadership class she taught just graduated). How do you get upset at someone for giving you flowers? She would have never acted that way before. This is just one example out of many that occurred on a consistent basis.

If you can demonstrate where her behavior is detrimental on a regular basis not only to you but the people she's around, you have a chance at getting her to consider removing the mirena. You need to make it about her and how she has a chance for more of a quality life. The women following this board, correct me if I'm wrong, but most women are not even aware that they're behavior has changed when they are adversely affected by hormones. You can't just say it's the mirena and leave it at that. Have concrete evidence of before and after occurrences that you believe indicate a substantial change.

Additionally, you have a have a plan on what you're going to do about birth control post-mirena. Do your research, talk about the IUD paragaurd which does not have hormones, using condoms, etc. If you have a plan it will show her that you care about your relationship. I hope this helps.

October 2, 2014 - 10:12am


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