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(reply to Anonymous)

Anon, so what exactly is the propaganda against mothers who breastfeed? I'd really like to know because this is a totally new one on me. And who are you to judge me? Denial of who I am as a female?!? Believe me, I know who I am as a female. And yes, I've used my "biological equipment." I've had four babies and breastfed two of them, and I was very happy to do so. When I chose not to breastfeed, I was totally happy with that decision as well.

My gripe about this whole issue is that we moms literally have the "breast is best" propaganda slogan shoved down our throats so far that it's nearly impossible for our voices to be heard. There are so many moms out there who are unable to breastfeed for a medical or whatever reason and never have a choice, and as a result with this latest trend in breastfeeding being deemed "best," they are overwhelmed with guilt. And I'm sick of it. Someone has to speak out. Breast is NOT best. What we choose to provide for our babies IS best -- whether breast or formula. We have the choice. We are the moms. And we know best.

This has nothing to do whatsoever with liberalism ... this is about moms making a choice on how to feed their babies and not being criticized for whatever choice they make.

Are you a mom, by the way?

April 29, 2009 - 7:57pm


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