This was ME last night. It totally freaked me out. I was certain I was going to die from the pain (it was so intense). I have been on the BiPAP for a few years and it happens occasionally but never as bad as last night. I was 30 seconds away from heading to the ER. I dread using my BiPAP tonight for the fear of it happening again but I really don't have a choice.
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This was ME last night. It totally freaked me out. I was certain I was going to die from the pain (it was so intense). I have been on the BiPAP for a few years and it happens occasionally but never as bad as last night. I was 30 seconds away from heading to the ER. I dread using my BiPAP tonight for the fear of it happening again but I really don't have a choice.
October 24, 2014 - 9:16amThis Comment