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EmpowHER Guest

Hi guys.
Wondering if you can give some advice. I had a three day bleed from the 23rd August to the 25th the first day was dark brown, second bright red then third lighter brown. I had nothing for three says until Saturday 29th when I had a light blood stain when I wiped and that was it. Then on the 2nd September I had various pregnancy symptoms up until the 8th. Leaving me with sore boobs which I still have and discharge that turned into a milk white tacky discharge as if I had picked off glue from a prick stick. I had this discharge up until September 22nd and a little on the 23rd.
On the 23rd I had a bit of red spotting and that was it until sometime in the middle of the night. The bleed was orange/pink colour which had gradually turned darker now on the 26th it has stopped three and a half days usually bleeding for me.
I did two tests and both negative.
What could this mean I feel so sick and nauseous with this bleed that something isn't right. Could I be pregnant if so I am four weeks is it possible for hormones to rise this slowly and still have bleeds. Or is it all in my head.?

September 25, 2015 - 10:33pm


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