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Hello charmjo321,

Thank you so much for visiting the website and for posting your question here for us. I agree that many of the symptoms you describe do sound like early pregnancy, especially the vomiting. I have had many friends tell me they thought they were having really bad PMSes, only to find out they were pregnant.

I have heard of women spotting a bit when newly pregnant. Buy like alisonb said above it might just have been a short period, especially if the vomiting you were having was caused by a bug or something. I believe illness can throw off your period.

What I would do if it were me is to buy a home pregnancy test just to see if you might be pregnant, and then to also call your OB/GYN to check in and describe what happened. They should have a nurse who can return your call and advise you on what might be going on. We know our bodies better than anyone and if you know that this is unusual for you, then it's definitely worth following your gut instinct and following up on it.

Please post again to let us know how you are doing. Best in health, Michelle

April 30, 2009 - 10:12pm


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