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EmpowHER Guest

Dear Anonymous (the 2/25 post):
Why don't you have a consultation with another plastic surgeon? Make sure you find one who has a lot of experience with tuberous breasts (their website should tell you). Perhaps you might get a better offer from a different doctor. Don't go cut-rate, though...make sure he/she is board certified with great credentials.

If you don't (or can't) have surgery, please know that breasts come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes, and most men (and women) do not require their partner to have perfect, round 36 C cups. If you're not afraid of a little raunchiness, google terms like "puffy nipples" and you'll see people displaying "non perfect" breasts with pride.

I wrote the initial article and I still believe that if tuberous breasts are a real obstacle to a person's quality of life (or a misshapen nose, or saggy tummy skin, or whatever), they should save money, have cosmetic surgery and get on with things. But if you don't, do not let tuberous breasts ruin your self-esteem.


February 25, 2015 - 6:42pm


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