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EmpowHER Guest

One thing you can try to help get things moving easier is take a magnesium supplement, as one of the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency if constipation, and one of the "side effects" of taking extra is slightly loose stools. Magnesium brings more water to the common, so it's kind of like an internal hydrotherapy, and it helps balance out the issues you can have with constipation caused by the antibiotics (a vicious cycle if ever there was one when the infection is caused BY constipation!). My favorite is called Natural Calm, it's a powdered drink mix. The Raspberry Lemonade actually tastes pretty good; you can follow the directions and mix it with a full bottle if water, or you can do what I do and put it in a shot glass with enough water to dissolve it and just shoot it! It's fizzy, so let it fizz out a bit before drinking so it doesn't come out your nose! Drink LOTS of water regularly, especially when on antibiotics.

I've had a colonic irrigation one time, and it wasn't unpleasant. I was healthy, though, and it was done by a licensed professional. Sine states dint require licensing, which is scary. The procedure took about an hour, and I can see where it would be dangerous for someone with a weakened colon. Best to wait until your doctor says your infection/ inflammation are under control. I had a client that had a perforated bowel from a robotic surgery screw up, and TRUST me, you don't know suffering until you've dealt with that!

July 20, 2013 - 8:35pm


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