i was diagnosed with this very same disease when i was 7. i washed my hands so much that the sking would come off, they were always raw and bloody, in a time of fright my parents took me to a theripist, she tried to help me cope, but soon relized my case was to severe, and sent me to a psychiatrist, i now take 200 mg of a meddicine called fluvoxomine (luvox)and am even at the piont were i am sharing drinks, and picking up my dogs poop!!!!
so basically, what i am trying to say is there is medicine out there that is right for him, and you should not be afraid to try it, it changed my life
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i was diagnosed with this very same disease when i was 7. i washed my hands so much that the sking would come off, they were always raw and bloody, in a time of fright my parents took me to a theripist, she tried to help me cope, but soon relized my case was to severe, and sent me to a psychiatrist, i now take 200 mg of a meddicine called fluvoxomine (luvox)and am even at the piont were i am sharing drinks, and picking up my dogs poop!!!!
so basically, what i am trying to say is there is medicine out there that is right for him, and you should not be afraid to try it, it changed my life
May 10, 2009 - 9:58amThis Comment