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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Yes, your whole body can certainly get off kilter with a brain cyst because your brain controls all these aspects of your body - regulating body temperature, etc.

In TX , you aren't too far from Phoenix and I would highly recommend Dr. Robert Spetzler. He is world renowned in neurosurgery and Chief Neurosurgeon at Barrow's Neurological Institute. He understands brain cysts and you can send him a copy of your MRI and for $100.00 he'll review it and give you his opinion - before you would even have to make a trip to see him.

I would pursue getting treatment for your cyst. To me, it sounds like it is putting pressure on the different parts of the brain that are wreaking havoc on your body.

Keep us posted and good luck!


January 19, 2015 - 1:03am


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