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(reply to dferry31)

Our son is 8 years old now. He was diagnosed almost March will be one year ago. He has been on medication for the seizures since June. Doing great let me add. Really great. Now night seizures since July... He has gained a bit of weight but hey... he was vomiting so much how could he have before. Our signs were vomiting at night, headaches during the day, some memory loss. It was by accident we found out, he was in the ER for a strep test and had an episode the night before so the ER doctor was interested and done a CT scan. Keep your head up and know doctors have a really good handle on this kind of diagnosis. I don't know where you live, but we go to Duke in North Carolina. His cyst is on his left temporal lobe.

January 12, 2010 - 8:22pm


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