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EmpowHER Guest

Thanks Maria and Pat,

I did sign up for Dia DiCristinio's website. So far I haven't gotten much information. I am going to use my time to type up a list of my symptoms and history and send it out to Barrows in Arizona and also to Duke University. Maria, I believe you said you have a great neurologist there. I'm wondering if I see a neurologist or go straight to see a neurosurgeon. I saw one neurosurgeon in NYC and he did not at all believe there was a chance that the cyst was the cause of my symptoms. I even asked for another MRI but he felt it was unnecessary at this time since my last one was done in October which was 8 months ago. I realize that I will have to be my own advocate. There isn't a doctor I've met so far that seems to know what to do with me. I just get "I'm really sorry, but I just don't know why you are having these symptoms. I wish I could help, but I just don't have the answer." I keep praying for strength every day to get me through this and to find the correct answer. If you know the names of any doctors please let me know. I know you already mentioned Dr. Spaetzler at Barrows. Is there anyone on the East Coast? Please let me know.


June 28, 2010 - 7:13am


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