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My daughter was born with left anterior arachnoid in the temporal fossa it measured 2.5 cm. at birth.
She spent 4 weeks in the nicu due to breathing problems, rapid heart rate (SVT), and she lost 400 ccs of blood at birth.

No one told me she had the cyst. I happened to read it in her medical records about a week ago.

I have taken my daughter to numerous doctors and specialists for many years trying to get her help. She is currently 12 y/o.

She has suffered from the following:
poor balance
poor coordination
suicidal thoughts since 4 years of age
extreme emotional outbursts, sad and anger,but doesn't know why
poor social skills/trouble communicating and interacting with others
some impaired cognitive funtion
over all not feeling well a lot...can't explain how she feels
pettite mal seizures
language processing disorders

She's had many diagnosis's including PDD NOS, Mood disorder, Depression, Selective Mutism, Cognitive Disorder NOS, Recepitve/Expressive Language disorder

I was told when she was 6 by a psychologist that it appeared as though she was having pettite mal seizures. He told me there was no treatment and no worries with it and not to do anything as they will go away.

I thought they went away cuz I didn't notice the same symptoms. She used to appear to slip out of reality for a short time and it was more obvious.

I had her tested again recently for the language issues and I was told she appears to be having seizures and I need to take her to neurologist.

I have had 3 doctors that have known about her cyst for 12 years and not one of them told me. I went and talked to my pediatrician and he told me her symptoms are not related to the cyst and he would not order an MRI.

I don't see left anterior arachnoids anywhere online. They all seem to be in the middle or the left posterior.

Are her symptoms consistent with a cyst in the same location as hers? I'm trying to find someone to do an MRI so we can see if it's grown or not or if it's still there.

My daughter has suffered for 12 years from not only birth trauma but these ongoing issues. I want her to experience what it's like to be normal and have her gain some self esteem and enjoy life. I don't know where to go from here. I don't want to waste time going to 20 different doctors.

How do i find out ahead of time if they believe arachnoid cysts can cause symptoms?

August 18, 2010 - 10:27pm


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