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Anonymous (reply to TessTy)

I am sorry for the delay in replying to this but I agree with you. The brain controls/helps to control so many aspects of our body and in each system, that we do cannot know. When the brain does not operate and function properly, many other systems are affected.

I tell people on here, that no one should discount their cyst being related to other issues. Of course that may not always be the case, but there are certain tell-tell signs and symptoms that to me, tell me they are cyst related. I think that if someone believes their cyst may be the culprit in certain health issues, they need to have it looked into, and by more than one doctor if he does not agree. Many doctors believe these cysts are asymptomatic, and many are.....but that leaves many to be"symptomatic.' It took a lot of convincing with several doctors, then to find the right one who knew these cysts cause an array of problems and affect many systems of the body. He knew and he confirmed that I was right all along believeing that what I was living with was because of the cyst I had.

I hope you get your questions answered and get the help you need. Keep us updated.


April 16, 2011 - 4:30am


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