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Hi, ANW, and welcome to EmpowHer!

First of all, I really want to pat yourself on the back for two things: wanting to learn more information about what goes on in your body, and taking charge of finding yourself a site where you can do that since you can't get very much information in your family. You will find when you're older that you've got a couple of pretty cool, important skills there.

Let's talk about periods some. I would not worry At All about the fact that you are late. Especially since you are so young and haven't had sex yet. Our menstrual cycles often go through a bit of a bump. What rules our menstrual cycle is hormones, called estrogen and progesterone. Throughout the month, your hormones prepare your uterus in case a fertilized egg comes, so it can implant and grow into a baby. When no egg comes, more hormones tell your body that it won't be pregnant this month and it needs to get rid of the uterine lining that it had built up. That's when your period happens.

Lots of things can upset our hormones a little bit, and it's not a problem when it happens. You might have had a stressful month. You might have been more active because it's warmer outside. Maybe you started a new medicine or new vitamins, or started drinking a lot more soda pop, or were under a lot of pressure because school is ending. All those things can affect our hormone levels, and when our hormone levels are affected, our cycle is affected.

Sometimes a period comes every 28 days like clockwork. Then you'll go through a time when it's 29, 31, 28, 32, 29 days. Sometimes you might even skip a month, if you're dieting, very active or very stressed. Again, since you haven't had sex, this really isn't worrisome at all.

Have any of the things I've named above been part of your month this month?

Don't stress out over this. That can make it worse. Just relax and know that it's perfectly normal to be all out of whack sometimes. It won't be the last time that it happens!!!

Does this information help? Are there more specific questions I can answer for you about anything at all?

May 18, 2009 - 6:02am


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