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sammikay887, you don't have a problem. 2x a week is plenty with a baby! :)
that is quite natural for a new baby, esp. since it's your b/f's first baby.
sure it is less than your normal 2x a day, but with a baby comes an adjustment. anyway yes, the problem with the women in here, including me is not us. it's the men, or the situation. or could be the problem is we shouldn't be with the men we are with. but it is not us women. that is, we are still sexy and lovable whether or not the man we're with chooses or chooses not to sleep with us. ha! i'm freaking laughing. when i used to date, and i've dated a lot of wrong men meaning, i've always felt they used me for sex. but now that i think i have found the man for the first time, who is here with me for the right reason, he won't have sex with me. (scratching head).

August 8, 2009 - 10:33am


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