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Hi All,

very interresting subject and have had a good read. As a 30yrold ex model, with own house, car, income etc I always thourght I wouldn't have a problem keeping a man interrested. Well I was wrong!!! and know exactly how it feels, to wonder why they suddenly find the TV far more interresting than you! and that instead of breaking the door down to have you, they hardly have the strength to give you a decent hug, let alone anything else. That you end up feeling unattractive, useless and desperate. I don't think men cheat generally, they are just lazy!

However I have worked out how to turn the tables and its pretty simple and involves YOUR will power. Men are lazy once they have something on a plate! NEVER EVER BEG or allow them to feel they have the upper hand. If he is doing something that you find dull, i.e TV remove yourself from that enviroment, get dressed up, pop your head round door, and say "am off out, have fun see ya later"...now its irrelevent whether you go see a mate, or pop round your mum's, by having your own existance, wherein HE isn't number 1 and knows it, allows a woman to regain her desirability. I no longer panda after my man, he has to fight for my attention and time, if he's doing something I find dull, or is pre-occupied with other things, I withdraw my attention and company. If am man doesn't HAVE to fight for something, he WON'T!!! Its the path of least resistance for most men and if a woman gives of herself both mentally and physically too much or too easily, a man will take it and sit back and relax, in the knoledge that his woman is "kept". NEVER allow a man to believe he has you completely. If he has the audacity to withdraw sexual attention, then do exactly the same, but in a fun manner...no winging or complaining...suddenly get some new hobbies, meet friends more often, sing, laugh on the phone with a mate, garden, but most importantly LEAVE the house and reduce the attention and time you give him...WAIT till he comes to you...don't ignore him, or sulk, just be full of beans and happy and indulge yourself with new activities THAT DO NOT INVOLVE HIM!!! He will suddenly start looking at you in a whole new manner and be selective, sometimes be TOO BUSY to go to bed with him!!! You've got a quiz night to go to, or meeting with a friend for dinner, or your just not in the mood, but all in a fun manner, NEVER WINGE or be too aloof! HE WILL END UP BEGGING YOU!!!

Come on girls re-gain your power!!! and if after that he's still not interrested my advice to you, is dump him, because in the long run you'll only end up hating him...Take care all Cxxxx

June 8, 2010 - 10:26am


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