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EmpowHER Guest

Well I am a female and I am going through the same thing. We use to do it everyday 2-3 times a day when we first got together and I figured it would burn out a little and it did, but we were both cool just going to sleep in each others arms without having sex every night, but then it got to be like 2-3 times a week and just one orgasm instead of 2 to 3 like usual. Now I will be lucky to get it once in a weeks time and it only last maybe 10 minutes then we are done! We are both really kinky in the bedroom and he knows there isn't anything that I won't do to please him sexually, so what the hell is going on. I have mentioned it and of course he got upset saying things like, "I'm sorry I don't please you, and don't do anything right" so I am like dang I didn't even say nothing like that I just wanted to know if there was something bothering you or something!! I will not cheat on him to satisfy a sexual need, but seriously wtf I am so aggravated with this crap. The wierdest part about this whole situation is that the sex is the only thing that has changed. He still shows me all the same affection, ya know the hugging, kissing and all the other random acts of affection. Just 0 sex!! I have tried to be understanding for so long now, but I am a very sexual person and he is too and I don't know what's going on all I know is I wanna freakin DO IT!!!

June 13, 2010 - 12:10pm


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