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EmpowHER Guest

Hi again...recent anons, did you read my post? If not please have a quick read.

What I have observed from girlfriends, myself and strangely enough my mothers relationships, is that it is 99.9% our fault, our man becomes dispondent, lazy and spoilt. Woman are naturally caring and empathic and at the begginning of relationships shower our new man with all the things we would like in return; affection, time, understanding, generousity and physical contact. We give of ourselves far too much and thus we/the woman set the precident in our relationships and the assumed rules and the rule we generally communicate to our man is: "I will do anything for you, look after you, hug you, and give you sex on a plate, when ever it suits you and even if it puts me out...I don't mind" In a nutshell, most woman try to please their man too much, that this becomes normal behaviour in the mans eyes and therefore doesn't require any extra effort by him to obtain it...the woman gives and doesn't compain.....AHA UNTILL a few months, maybe a few years down the line and then the man thinks
" where the hell did this come from" and then accuses the woman of nagging, winging etc etc etc.

Look girls, why would a man, or anyone for that fact make special effort to obtain something, if its easy to get and given for free! diamonds wouldn't be worth anything if you could just pick them off the floor, like fag butts. Well thats how it gets in relationships!!! When a woman starts begging, winging, complaining and yet gives and gives and gives...of themselves both mentally and physically...there is a recipe for a passion killer...you have become a nagging surrogate mummy!!! How unattractive!!! I am no woman hater...I am one...but I see this again and again! and woman need to look at this from their mans point of view and realise that nothing is more off putting in the bedroom department, than a woman who has become a mans "mummy" and is too familiar. Re-read my last post, Cxxx

June 13, 2010 - 2:28pm


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