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EmpowHER Guest

I have been in a relationship with this guy for 2 years now. Within the last year of our relationship our sex life has drastically decreased. It started last summer when he started to work factory work. We are both young. 21. Both students. live in the same town, however he goes to school 1.5 hrs away. we went from doing it 3-4 times a week to once a week to once every two weeks to now once a month sometimes once every two months. in the begining i brought it up trying to help trying to see what was bothering him if he was stressed out, tired, what was getting to him. Ive always been there for him. I know he is not getting it somewhere else. i have not gained weight, i actually lost weight becasue of this, he still finds me very attractive at least that is what he tells me almost everyday. He doesnt have a reason for why he doesnt feel it anymore, and i am starting to lose my self esteem my confindence myself becasue of this. I told him several times how it makes me feel, and yet it still never changes. Sometimes its just not meant to be.

July 9, 2010 - 10:55am


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