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I ventured onto this site because I unfortunately am also experiencing a similar situation and I'm 28 and still looking hot! My bf and I are approaching 8 years and have been maybe having sex 1x a month for the past 2 years. I notice that he doesn't initiate anymore and sometimes I wait a few weeks to test him but nope..nothing. At first I wondered if he was gay but don't think he is because he's such a quintessential GUY, as stereotypical as that sounds (watches sports, doesn't care what he wears or looks like). When I ask him what's up he says its because he doesn't like condoms...ok but when I was on the pill, we still didn't have much sex so what gives? Then when I pointed this out he said it was because I still made him pull out and he now has a constant fear of getting me pregnant. Is this even a valid excuse or am I being naive? I also need to take into consideration that he might have low self-esteem since I've been on his ass to go back to school to get his BA degree so that he can get a better paying job. I also make 2x as much more $ as him. I also don't really try to look sexy for him anymore or initiate myself...Guys girls ..any thoughts?? Are we a lost cause? I love this guy to death and he's got a heart of gold.

October 7, 2010 - 5:08pm


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