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(reply to Anonymous)

You have got to read the book Hot Monogamy! It is reminding me of your exact situation, including different "excuses" that people give for not wanting to have sex, and has pointers for talking with your partner. It is a two-way street, and I'm wondering if instead of typing, you could be initiating sex while he's watching TV? Perhaps you have tried, but many women feel that they should wait for sex, that their partner should want to initiate.

Your husband says he doesn't have time because of your 2 year old daughter. Have you asked him to explain? Have you openly listened (without providing counter-arguments?). Does he feel overwhelmed by having a daughter? Does he not have time, because he is spending so much time with her, then when he is not with her, he is wanting some "alone" or "vegging out" time in front of the TV? This may be what he means that he does not have time. Do you two make time, set aside time, for your relationship in other ways? What do you think he is needing in the relationship that does not involve sex?

October 10, 2010 - 7:35pm


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