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Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Hi there Alison,
Thanks for the advice on the Hot Monogamy book. I will have to read that book for sure. Well, I ended up in tears this evening, and I asked my husband if we could talk about our sex life in a reasonable mannor. He said that he didn't understand why I would get mad because he chose to eat something and watch tv rather than having sex. He mentioned that he is not a light bulb that can be turned on and off at any moment. I replied by saying that every man I have ever known has always been up for sex at the drop of a hat. He then said that in the am is when he most horny. Anyways, he also mentioned that he has so much stress with being the only income. He truley is the most loving and generous person that I know. However, when it comes to sex it is not on the top of his priority list. He would much rather sleep than have sex. As for initiating sex, I do on occasion. However, he seems to have some "excuse" at the time. It leaves me feeling unatractive and let down. I end up with so much resentment that we are not on the same page in our sexual jouney. I would prefer to feel desired once in a while. He stated tonight that he loves me with all his heart. Hmmmm..

October 10, 2010 - 8:05pm


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