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My situation is a little different, we've only been together for 4 months, and we'd have sex 1-3 a week (we have conflicting schedules, and even when we fix them they're still kind of conflicting). He got a new job in August, in which he surveys piplines in the wilderness, and he's gone for weeks on end. He can work 10-14 hour days, walking through all sorts of wilderness (forrests, swamps, even farms, etc). We didn't have sex the last few days before he left because I was getting sick. This last time he was gone for 5 weeks (the longest), this trip was rough for me. He's more independent than I am, and so he wouldn't call/text very often. We got in a small fight, because he said he didn't miss me because he was so busy with work. Regardless of the fight, I asked him to pay a little more attention to me, and he did exactly that, more phone calls, texts, even online chatting. It made me feel a lot better (even though he didn't miss me). He's home now, he came over for a little bit last night (I was writing a paper), and I ran to the store with him to get something. As he dropped me off (he was going to visit his uncle, and I was going to finish my paper), we chatted, and I joked about "sexy-time," he said, "I just want to tell you, I don't have the same drive anymore...I don't know why?" I think I'm only the 2nd or 3rd girl he's ever been with, and he's only 19 (isn't that a guys prime?). He also said "I hope that didn't hurt your feelings...maybe I'm maturing?" Then he asked when I worked this weekend, and we made plans to meet up, and plans for Tuesday. At first I was fine with it, but then when I remembered reading in a magazine, that if the sex stops, then they're most likely cheating. That threw me for a loop, and I am an extremely paranoid person. So now, here I am. I've come up with several possible reasons: (we'll get the hard one out of way) 1. He's cheating. 2. He's bored with what we do(He's only the 2nd person I've been with, so I'm not that experienced) 3. He and I both abstane from sex when we're not in relationships, and maybe his libido has gone down during those 5 weeks, since he's traveling and I'm not around. Also he's with a bunch of guys in hotel rooms so probably doesn't have much privacy to masturbate. 4. Maybe he is maturing? Cares more about the relationship than sex? 5. Perhaps the afterglow of the "new relationship feeling" is gone and he's just not as horny.
I do feel that he does care about me, otherwise he wouldn't have put much effort into making me feel better, or even make plans to see me while he's home. Also I know it's not my weight, I've lost 10 pounds since we've been together.
I'm freaking out a little. I hope it's anything but the first one.
Any thoughts?
-Traveling BF

October 15, 2010 - 8:02am


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