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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your question and for finding EmpowHER. I'm sorry you are having to go through this, it's never easy, is it? You are at the perfect point in your relationship to take a step back and evaluate how this relationship is sitting with you. How do you feel about his travel for work? You are young and are dating, you are not married. He's working and you're in school, it's hard enough when you don't have conflicting schedules. You have all the choices available. Remove all the decisions from him, and think to yourself how invested in this relationship you are and how much he is. Are you truly happy? If nothing were to change, would you be happy in a year's time or longer? I know it won't be easy to think and evaluate, and I know emotions can run high, but remember that you are a strong woman, and can handle this no matter what happens.
Good luck and let us know if you need further support--we are here to inspire and help. Hope I have...

October 15, 2010 - 12:08pm


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