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Anonymous (reply to Alexya1)

I am a 39 year old woman and have been with the same man since my early 20's. I would say that I have a much stronger labido than he does and I usually am the one to instigate sexual activity and he often claims I'm not romanic enough! etc etc. I must say though that I have accepted that he is the way he is, and I am the way I am, and have to work around that. I know he loves me very much but sometimes he's too stressed for sex and I have to work a little harder to get what I want (or learn to wait - and yes it can be frustrating). If you would like sexual intercourse demanding it isnt the only way of getting it, there are subtler ways to turn your man on. If he's a breast man, wear a low cut top for example. Have you tried massage until he's relaxed and in the mood? We all usually love to be fussed and touched (affectionately and sexually). If you dont mind morning sex have you tried 'playing around' while he's asleep - he's almost guarenteed to wake up horny! At the end of the day you need to decide what you want out of life, a sexual partner or a best friend and longtime lover.

October 18, 2010 - 7:43am


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