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EmpowHER Guest

i know how u feel. i have been with my partner just over a year now, and like many of you we had sex all the time, and i live with my partner and his dad, so hes always telling me he doesnt want sex coz he doesnt want his dad to hear, he says we can when his dad isnt at home but he always is, and hes always saying its hard coz we both work stupid hours so we dont see each other much, wick makes me want it more when i do see him, but hes always too tired, he doesnt even look, touch or speak to me in a sexual way anymore, he always says hes lost his sex drive, i know its not his fault but im getting a bit frustrated now, and i feel a bit like its me hes not intrested in anymore but he swears its not. i really dont no whata to do. hes still only in his early 20s aswell so its not age. HELP!!!

October 21, 2010 - 7:00am


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