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EmpowHER Guest

You don't know he is cheating for sure. As a guy, I am about to cut my girl off the exact same way. We have been going out for years but it just got long distance and she doesn't even want to (edited for content) on the rare occasion when she is in town or when I go there to visit. She leads me on about it via text or just bringing it up person to person and it gets my hopes up but when the time comes, shes too tired or there is something else going on. The only time it happens is if I'm really pushy about it and I'm just sick of being that way. I figure maybe if it is her getting turned down it might change and if she just doesn't ask anymore then (edited for contet) it anyway. I don't plan on cheating unless my hand counts as cheating. Sorry I know probably TMI. The bottom line is I just don't really give a flying (edited for content) any more because of her lack of interest and that's all. She barely even wants to cuddle any more. I thought girls really liked that stuff.

January 29, 2011 - 4:30pm


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