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My bf of 3 yrs has an intense n intamate relationship with Internet porn. After a yr we barely ever had sex. He has no problem jerking offs everyday though. After a year or so of fighting and then talking and then trying he still couldn't bring himself to have sex with me more then he masterbated. Hes affectionate, caring, supportive man and we have an amazing friendship, he just couldn't make me feel whole as a sexual person, for whatever reason (addiction,selfishness,mental) I could feel horrid when we would have sex because I figure he'd rather be jerking off to young teen porn. So I decided sex doesnt belong in our relationship. He of course didn't like the idea, but when he's fine w having sex 1-3 times a month and that simply does nothing for me. I can't get in the mood n I feel vey used or apologetic that he felt he has to sleep with me. So I decided to stop it. He can watch porn all he wants and I don't feel bad because that's what he wants/has to do because I won't give it up. To him an orgasm is an orgasm, it doesn't matter how he has it. It's been 6 months since we had sex n I've never been happier! :) for me the less sex I have the less I want it. So I'm fine with out it. We kiss n cuddle n pet eachother and without the possibility of sex being brought up weve been alot more emotionaly intamate (not sure why). He will occasionally ask me if I'll ever be ready for sex again, and I ask him if he'll ever be ready to give up porn. End of discussion. Haha. I can except his habit but I'll be damned if I have to actively compete with it!! Obviously my situation and solution is most likely pretty uncommon, but shows how every women and man with similar issues can possibly make lemonade out of....the lack of sex. You just have to find something that works for you! Good luck to you all!

May 7, 2011 - 5:55am


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