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EmpowHER Guest

I'm a guy and I too have lost the desire to have sex with my girlfriend. I do love her and I don't want to leave her. I hope we can sort things out... I think the reason for this is that she is happy to just have your standard, missionary position sex, makes no effort with herself 'down-there' and doesn't want to try anything new... I am a very sexual person, I've had a lot of sexual partners, I like variety in the bedroom. I'm not saying I wanna [edited for content] other people, and I don't, but i want her to be more sexual, I want her to be more excited and enthusiastic about our sex life so that she trys new stuff or varies things a little. I want her to seem like she can't keep her hands off me - that would turn me on and get me interested. Rather she, like what some of you are saying here, just wants to have sex. for her is the destination that's important - i.e orgasm. for me it's everything else in between that's important - a mis-match. Tried talking to her about it - she listens, but then I think she blocks it out and convinces herself there's no problem - very frustration. I now masturbate a lot as a result... :(
[edited for content by EmpowHER moderator]

May 10, 2011 - 4:12am


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