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EmpowHER Guest

Even though I have chosen to not have sex in my relationship, doesn't mean it's not worth having. His porn use does bother me and he's well aware of it. If I do feel like having sex I'm sure he would oblige me and he has givin me the occasional 'handjob' since I don't find self masterbation enjoyable. We used to have a very satisfying sex life before he let his porn use take over. He has limited his mastebating to about once a week I guess and like I said our friendship, our communication, our commitment to eachother has never been stronger. As for marrage, thats were we may eventually wanna be but as of now, there's no pressure on the subject, were both still young. I hope that we will eventually be able to figure out sex.. But by not having it, for us at least, has helped me put aside the negative emotions surrounding the porn topic and improve our relationship, giving us the time and tools to eventually resolve this.

May 10, 2011 - 10:39am


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