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EmpowHER Guest

Strangely I'm in a similar situation! Only if i could ask someone i would but i have no one but him to turn too. The difference is i know he wants it too i really know but he just doesn't do it. I've tried and tried to get him too but nothing works... I even started to ask and he'd turn me down which might i add hurts like hell... We've been together for 5 months and for the first three months we did it 2-3 times a day, he always wanted me. Now we go weeks without doing it and although i'm ok sometimes and i tell him everything is fine it makes my mood sour all the time because i feel like i am losing him. He started a new job and i moved in with him two weeks ago and that could be the issue but i don't know. I really don't want to lose him i love him, but what should i do? I can't keep asking for it and always get turned away. It hurts to much!

May 12, 2011 - 6:49pm


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