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Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon - I'm sorry to learn you're feeling sick, unhappy and scared. I'm glad though that you've reached out to EmpowHER. One of the first steps to feeling better is to ease the sense of isolation and to have a stronger sense of control over one's life. Experts say that just taking basic actions to change a difficult situation is very helpful. Getting the results from the blood tests should help answer many of your questions. Have you also had a physical exam and had your medical history taken? Are you getting any medical support other than the blood tests? You mentioned living in another country. Multiple studies have proven that just being in a situation that's a change or major life transition can lead to depression and illness. Have you considered building new connections where you live, or reconnecting with people in your home country via the Internet? In other words, have you taken steps beyond thinking about your situation and looked at actions you could take to improve it? I hope you will be inspired to give thought to these questions and write back. I also hope you get some solid answers about your health soon and can start feeling better.
Take care, Pat

February 23, 2010 - 6:45pm


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