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Anonymous (reply to Pat Elliott)

Thank you for taking the time to answer me Pat. I am Lee. I am living in Australia but I am from another country, I came here for a new life after a divorce and things have not worked out. I am alone, difficult to make friends I find in Australia and yes I do maintain my friendships in my home country. I know I am depressed. I want to go home but that is difficult financially.
I will know my blood test results tomorrow. I am very frightened as I have no one here. I did when I came here almost 9 years ago; a boyfriend for 5 years but that ended over 3 years ago, and all his friends left me when he did.
These fevers come on in the afternoon whether I am in or out of the house, sor 35 days now. Yes, I am depressed. I have tried several anti depressants from the dr with some counceling and none have worked.
I am isolated and alone and scared. If I wind up with a bad diagnosis, I don't know how I will deal with it all, having so support system here. I tried joining some groups but the people only wanted to socialize at that group and were busy with their family, friends, children and grandchildren.
I am still quite scared and looked on the net for some help and you heard me.

The Dr is just a local GP.


February 23, 2010 - 8:51pm


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