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I am 43 and have the same issue, mixed with others. I have history of kidney stones. The urologist blames that first thing, because he wants to go to the most likely scenario. For a week now (day 5) my girl parts hurt. First day started during a stressful event and I felt vague pain in what I thought was either vaginal opening or urethra (couldn't tell bc they're too close together). I remembered days before that I was wearing very tight jeans and was leaning forward too much and it was sore down there. (Always try to think of what preceded your pain. Where are you in your cycle?) Day 2 was pure hell. Same pain at the opening of what I knew was urethra because I had a cystoscopy done last year (where the doc looks up your pee hole with a camera) and afterwards was severely painful and sensitive (like I had just peed roofing nails) for a few hours. The pain on day 2 was in spasms, in/from my outer urethra opening, straight upwards. (I naturally also have strong urges to urinate for the past few years, every day. Just suddenly I'll feel the need to pee and race to the bathroom before it comes out.) Doc blames Overactive Bladder which explains the urgency per medical books but doesn't explain pain in these areas. Days 3-5 it has lessened by still there, as if when in certain positions I have pain more like in my clitoris. So it is in different areas. I got Azo tonight but hesitant to try it. I'm doing a urine diary and it's useless. Doc will send me for a cat scan and blame kidney stones (don't discount this as a possibility). But you may also want to look into "acidic urine urethra pain" AND "Urethral Syndrome". I found it far worse after drinking Pepsi and Orange Gatorade. Drinking a ton of water is what everyone says but that makes me pee more which is more episodes of pain. Also, UTI IS NEGATIVE. It was cultured and has NO bacteria. This is NOT sex related for me because I'm celibate. You're not alone. Spoke to my friend tonight who is over 35 and she is going through this right now too. I also wonder about hormonal issues, mold, or seasonal allergies because I got this last year at the same time (beginning of Fall, right when my allergies flare up) and never found out what the problem was other than idiot doctors jumping right to kidney stones or uti. Good luck ladies. Speak up to the doctors. Don't stop until you get answers. Some are so lazy they won't even put thought into it or get educated. This is unacceptable. I'm seeing a Urogynecologist next week. I'll sign up for notifications and try to come back and notify anyone if I find an answer to this mystery.

October 6, 2018 - 3:12am


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