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According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), (you can read the entire online brochure by clicking on orange hyperlink: Miscarrige. The brochure states:

"...You can expect spotting and some discomfort for a few days. You should call your doctor right away if you have any of the following symptoms:
* Heavy bleeding
* Fever
* Chills
* Severe pain"

The recovery will take longer:

"Your recovery will take some time. If you are beyond 13 weeks of pregnancy, you may still look pregnant and your breasts may leak milk. Light exercise is good, but increase your activity slowly. Ask your doctor about which exercises are best and how often you should do them. It is safe to have sex after the bleeding stops.

You can ovulate and become pregnant as soon as 2 weeks after an early miscarriage. If you do not wish to become pregnant again right away, be sure to use birth control. "

Did you have a D&C? If so, bleeding can occur after this procedure for up to a week (refer to your doctor for more specific information about bleeding and expectations, as this differs from woman to woman).

When did you miscarry? Would you describe your bleeding as heavy?

How are you doing emotionally, mentally and physically? We are here if you have any other questions, or would just like to talk about your experience. You can also read the EmpowHer's Miscarriage information, which includes stories and questions from other women by clicking here.

June 7, 2009 - 3:08pm


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