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EmpowHER Guest

I admire and respect your boyfriend for being honest about what he dislikes in regards to your physical stature. If more men and women were like him then many relationships would have possible have been salvaged.

THINK ABOUT THIS: How many times do men and women prejudge someone based off how they look or their attire. If someone attempts to greet them or show interest in them and then they choose not to engage in conversation yet alone a potential friendship because they are not physically attracted to them. Every day this happens and no one makes anyone feel bad about it. It is human nature to want to look at something that is aesthically pleasing, especially your mate.

With that being said, BRAVO to your boyfriend for making the committment and valuing who you are as a person and encouraging you to lose weight. If you were secure in your weight and ok with your physical appearance, I would tell you to let him go but it appears that this is something that you want to change also. Us women are strange creatures when it comes to pleasing our men. We will change our hair color and anything else. If your man tells you he loves when you wear fishnets, what women would not have a couple pairs on standby? Dont lie to yourself. You know you would : ) All jokes aside, it is one thing for your to want to change something and letting your man inspire you to do it versus it being his desire and you having nothing to do with the goal.

With that...continue to move forward with losing weight. But once it is no longer a shared goal or he is not supporting but demanding you to lose weight, let it go. At the end of the day if you lose the weight and it turns out that he is a jerk, guess what...You still have reached a goal and improved the way you feel and see yourself.

This current man in your life may only be there for a season, so absorb the positive from this encounter and learn from your mistakes.

March 26, 2010 - 5:47pm


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