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Tina T: I am thrilled, because I have not even been able to arrange to see quickly a good naturopath/MD much less an endocrinologist in the Phoenix area, and because I have really learned so much from Dr. Friedman's book. Also, I used to live in Los Angeles. A friend from there just spent the holiday weekend with me. He encouraged me to come back to Los Angeles for help. On his suggestion, I was about to explore the possibility of getting my former general practioner there, who is excellent, has a PhD in pharmacology, and who pays attention to one's symptoms and not just to one's lab results, to make the calls necessary to get me in to see an endocrinologist whom he trusts ASAP. Now that Dr. Friedman would take me as a patient, it makes much more sense to see him. Can you please send me a message to let me know whom at his office I should contact about setting up an appointment? The thyroid is the barometer of the body. I can't 'fool around' with bad and/or late treatment. P.S. I thought that Dr. Friedman was in Texas. Was he formerly in Texas or am I in my anecdotage about that because of a hypothyroid-induced brain fart:-)

July 7, 2009 - 5:23pm


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