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For the first year we were absolutely fine. We had out ups and downs but he was the nicest person. So caring. Then we had 1 big argument and he hit me. Basically we argued and I was going to go to a male friend's house. He weren't too happy with it and wanted to talk so I went around to his but he was waiting in the street for me. He ran towards my car and as I tried to drive away he jumped on the bonnet and wouldnt get off. He then got in to my car and he took my keys. His friends came as they were at his and tried to get him out of the car making the whole situation worse. He took my keys out of the ignition, banged my head on the steering wheel, kicked me and even bit me. My door handle got broken off in the process and as I went to drive away he smased the window with it. I did get away and to his parents house even though they didn't know about me and him still being together after he grabbed her by the throat. The police were called and he got arrested.

We started talking again and got back together. A few months afterwards, we argued, I stupidly followed him, we argued in the street and he took my keys and phone and started walking away telling me to leave him alone when he knew I couldnt go anywhere because he had my car keys and my phone. He then rang the police claiming if they didn't come and get me he would kill me. He then threw my keys and put my phone in a bin and walked away. The police arrested him after seeing the marks on me and then he got arrested and sent to prison on remand for a week. The night he came out he rang me and shortly after we got back together again but it had to be this 1 big secret because he had bail conditions not to contact me.

Whenever we would argue, he would always take my phone or keys and try and tell me it is all my fault etc. Yes I was jealous but he would always hide his phone etc towards the end of our relationship. I tried to stay strong even though we were still talking and seeing eachother. He ended up moving about 45 minute drive away which put some distance between us and he spent most of his time on a flirt website. I joined to see what the fuss was about because he told me he just wanted to meet friends on there and when I did, he found out and finished me yet again. We got back together yet again.

Last week was the court case (thursday) and I told him that I went through with the charges so that he could get help in controlling his temper. I think deep down he resented me for it but he said after the court case he wanted to make a fresh start and sort us out properly. I met up with a male friend on the monday before it and I couldn't answer the phone to him because he would go nuts knowing that I was with someone else so I had to make an excuse up as to why I didn't answer. On the tuesday we argued again and he asked to meet up but I couldn't meet up with him at the time he rang because I was cooking so I said no. At this poijnt he was very persistant and almost crying but I stood my ground. I told him I couldnt trust what he was going to do after he told me that day he had met up with an ex boyfriend of mine. ( I think he really went to see her) He met up with another girl (his now girlfriend) He used to be friends with her but he said he saw her with a friend of ours. That turned out to be a lie as he went to this place with her and he got seen by one of out mutual friends. That night we were fine. I didn't know any different.

The following day I found out from her via the internet that they were together. I stood my ground because this girl had tried to split us up before which is why they weren't talking. He then rang and told me to leave his girlfriend alone. Thursday came and he stayed with her for the following three nights. Even getting her to answer his phone when I wanted to find out what was going on. After that he moved back to his flat and he rang me last the day before yesterday. He seems to want to know what I'm doing and who I'm doing it with. I just don't understand because it all happened so quick.

I do really love him and I keep thinking if I had just met up with him on the tuesday then he wouldn't have got with her on the wednesday or even saw her on the tuesday night. He's changed his number but when he rang me it was off witheld so I didn't have it. I just feel so down :( thankyou for replying. Thinking about it, I don't think we did have sex this month so would there still be a chance of me being pregnant even though I came on last months?

June 25, 2009 - 8:28am


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