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EmpowHER Guest

I've had a number of different structural treatments - Rolfing, ART, ASTYM - for various connective tissue related issues. All were milding to very uncomfortable, sometimes being to the limit of what I could tolerate for the session. With the benefit of several years of history for self evaluation, I'm confident that my plantar, Achilles, and IT band issues would have NEVER improved without this type of treatment. The regime has pretty good staying power as well, but you do have to stay engaged, and do the work on your own also!! A foam roll, and a good stretching routine have allowed me to get the most out of the time/money/pain investment. We are going for another round on the most stubborn issue, a 20 year old chronic Achilles problem, and right now it 'seems' like even that is starting to improve, when NOTHING else has worked. I can also offer that my IT bands were some of the worst most of my PT's had ever seen, and I'm now within normal range of motion, something my PT and I both thought was a long shot when we started. It took a couple of rounds of treatment, and some diligent work in between, but having my chronic and severe bilateral patella pain subside has been well worth it. 55 year old Male endurance athlete.

December 19, 2012 - 9:29am


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